A technology that has been designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized use. When we speak about security, it can be said that security includes both, physical as well as Cybersecurity.

In order to safeguard Cybersecurity, coordinated efforts throughout the information system is needed.

The major areas that Cybersecurity covers are:

Application Security

Information Security

Disaster Security

Network Security

Application Security includes measures that are taken while developing an application to protect them from threats that can enter through flaws in each phase like development, deployment, upgrading or maintenance.

Information Security aims at protecting information from unauthorized access to avoid identity theft and to protect privacy.

Disaster Security includes a recovery planning process which includes the performance of risk assessment, priorities being set and developing recovery strategies in case of a disaster. A full proof plan should be created to avoid disasters as well as to combat them.

Network security includes activities to protect the usability, reliability, integrity and safety of the network. An effective network security targets various threats and prevents them from entering the network.

According to a report published by Verizon on data breach investigation;

75% of the breaches are performed by the outsiders

25% of the breaches involved internal actors

18% were conducted by staff affiliated actors

3% featured multiple parties

2% involved partners

51% involved organised criminal groups

Some tactics used to breach include hacking, malware, social attacks and in some of the cases physical presence as well.

The industries mainly hit by these attacks are the financial, healthcare, Retail, hotel and public sector entities.

Hackers send emails containing malicious attachments that are opened by the users leading to malware instillation. Software instillation also led to breach caused by phishing attacks reaching as high as 95%.


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